Well its been a while since our last Blog. Things have been quite hectic here at the OWL at the beginning of June we started with the wedding season which I mentioned in our last blog. Then mid June we had the Bronte Society AGM which we all look forward to each year seeing all the familiar faces and different characters. This year we had a surprise guest at the fund raising auction to every bodies surprise Christa Ackroyd appeared from "Look North" she did the auctioning for the evening which went down a treat.
Then at the end of June we were awarded a double whammy, Winner Certificate Of Excellence Award 2012 by Trip Advisor for both the Hotel & Restaurant which we are extremely proud of we achieved the award in 2011 for the Hotel but this year to get both was a massive achievement well done to all the staff for their efforts!
We are now making our plans for Christmas and the New Year I know its seems a while away but time goes so quickly. All the menu's are now available follow this link to see further details
http://www.oldwhitelionhotel.com/Christmas.htm#.T_M1IJHZK9s then you can follow this link to find more information on our Viva Las Vegas themed New Years Eve Party
http://www.oldwhitelionhotel.com/New%20Years%20Eve.htm#.T_M2RJHZK9s .
Speak again soon
The OWL Team